Running the app

Make sure you have two terminal windows open, and navigate to your root directory in both.

Running Redis

In one terminal window, we'll run the Redis Queue.

$ rq worker my-task-queue

In your window, you should see a message like:

15:46:03: Worker rq:worker:e9f2ed95fc3e48429fc3962fe0f0c03b: started, version 1.2.0
15:46:03: *** Listening on my-task-queue...
15:46:03: Cleaning registries for queue: my-task-queue

Note that you can change the name of the task queue in the application factory.

Running the app

In the other terminal window, we'll run the Flask app.

$ python

In your window, you should see a message like:

15:54:51: Server initialized for eventlet.
15:54:51:  * Restarting with stat
15:54:52: Server initialized for eventlet.
15:54:52:  * Debugger is active!
15:54:52:  * Debugger PIN: 183-643-336
(3516) wsgi starting up on

Viewing the app

Navigate to http://localhost:5000 in your browser. Notice the following message in your redis terminal:

Complex task started
Progress: 0.0%
Progress: 20.0%
Progress: 40.0%
Progress: 60.0%
Progress: 80.0%
Progress: 100.0%
Complex task finished

While the complex task is executing, you'll see the loading gif in your browser. After the worker has finished, the page will reload with a 'Hello, World!' message.