Linking to source code


class docstr_md.src_href.github.Github(root) [source]

Compiles a hyperlink for source code stored in a Github repository.

Parameters: root : str

Path to the root directory of the source code. e.g. '<username>/blob/master'.

Attributes: root : str

Set from the root parameter.


from docstr_md.python import PySoup, compile_md
from docstr_md.src_href import Github

src_href = Github('')
soup = PySoup(path='path/to/', src_href=src_href)
md = compile_md(soup)

md is a string of compiled markdown with source code links in the class and function headers.


__call__(self, obj) [source]

Compile the hyperlink for the source code of the input object.

Parameters: obj : docstr_md.soup_objects.FunctionDef or ClassDef

Soup object to whose souce code we are linking.

Returns: href : str

Hyperlink of the form '<root>/<src_path>#L<lineno>'.