Hemlock meets dash less than 1 minute read I’m excited to release a long-awaited hemlock update: the ability to embed dash applications in hemlock surveys. Read the docs. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Previous Next
Rethinking the relationship between age and ability 5 minute read I used to have a fairly defeatist attitude about age and achievement. Groundbreaking achievements seem to come disproportionately from younger people; what I...
Hemlock less than 1 minute read Hemlock aspires to be the most powerful and flexible way to create online studies, with applications in marketing and behavioral science research.
SQLAlchemy mutable less than 1 minute read SQLAlchemy-Mutable aspires to be the most powerful and flexible SQLAlchemy database column type.
Smoother less than 1 minute read Smoother is a statistical tool for computing non-parametric distributions by optimizing a constrained smoothing function.